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machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications
disaster management, Environmental Statistics, statistics, News
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems
Shunyuan Shang
deep learning, seismic processing
Applied Machine Learning, extreme statistics, geospatial statistics, PhD Dissertation Defense
extreme environmental events, probabilities, risks, Spatial extremes, univariate extremes, Graduate Seminar
statistics, News
Environmental Statistics, spatial statistics, Statistics of extremes, Spotlight, News
Syed Abidullah Fareed
artificial intelligence, computer networks, embedded systems, energy efficiency, intrusion detection, IoT, machine learning
big data, complex data, data science, modeling, statistics, Workshop
copulas, spatio-temporal statistics, Statistics of extremes, Spotlight, News
spatial statistics, University of Twente, Seminar
healthcare, statistics, News
Awards, News
Spotlight, News
Environmental Statistics, Statistics of extremes, Workshop
Statistics of extremes
Bayesian Statistics, copulas, extreme-value theory, risk assessment, Statistics of extremes
artificial intelligence, Generative AI and LLMs
artificial intelligence, machine learning, software
graphical models, spatial statistics, Statistics of extremes
Environmental Statistics, spatial statistics, Statistics of extremes
Ziyuan Shi