Arnab Hazra Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics spatial statistics Statistical Modeling computational statistics
Daniela Castro-Camilo Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics spatial statistics Statistical Modeling computational statistics INLA
Jordan Richards Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics spatial statistics Statistical Modeling computational statistics
Luigi Lombardo Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Geomorphology landslide susceptibility modeling environmental modeling Environmental Statistics
Matheus B. Guerrero Ph.D. Student, Statistics extSTAT Research Group Time Series extreme-value theory
Matthew Sainsbury-Dale Consultant, Statistics spatio-temporal statistics Statistics of extremes machine learning Deep learning
Peng Zhong Ph.D. Student, Statistics spatial statistics extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics computational statistics
Peng Zhong Ph.D. Student, Statistics spatial statistics extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics computational statistics
Raphaël Huser Associate Professor, Statistics Statistics of extremes extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics data science machine learning copulas Environmental Statistics geostatistics applications to finance applications to neuroscience
Rishikesh Yadav Ph.D. Student, Statistics spatial statistics extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics bayesian inference
Rishikesh Yadav Ph.D. Student, Statistics spatial statistics extreme-value theory spatio-temporal statistics bayesian inference
Yan Gong Ph.D. Student, Statistics extreme-value theory Statistics of extremes copulas Bayesian Statistics risk assessment
Yan Gong Ph.D. Student, Statistics extreme-value theory Statistics of extremes copulas Bayesian Statistics risk assessment
Zhuldyzay Baki M.S. Student, Statistics Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics spatial statistics
Zhuldyzay Baki M.S. Student, Statistics Statistics of extremes Environmental Statistics spatial statistics